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Search Engine

Our advanced search engine running our proprietary protocols helps our users to search for childcare providers in a smart and dynamic manner. You can type any relevant search term in the search field such as current country, current state, birth country, live-in nanny, etc. and press enter to find nannies that match the search term. After displaying your search results, you can further narrow your search by applying filters on the results page.

Alternatively, you can also apply advanced filters before any search attempt using our interactive popup filter page to narrow your search results to only what matters to you. Some of the criteria you can search with are:

  1. Type of childcare desired (options include Drop in Nanny, Live Nanny, Babysitter, School Drop Off or Pick Up)
  2. Country of Origin of the childcare provider
  3. Languages are spoken by the childcare provider
  4. Gender
  5. Current Location of the childcare provider (country, state, or city)
  6. The willingness of the childcare provider to relocate (options are willing to relocate within the state or country currently living in)
  7. Childcare providers desired hourly or monthly rates
  8. Aggregate ratings received by the childcare provider

Our search engine is sure to wow you because you get the results that meet your needs every time and nothing more.