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Frequently Asked Questions & Help

As a childcare recipient, you can register for free and immediately have access to search Nanny Square’s extensive database for a curated list of childcare providers that meet your desired criteria using our powerful and interactive filters and search algorithms. 

Childcare providers can register and complete their care profile for free and are immediately searchable by childcare recipients.

No. Nanny square does not set the rates providers charge or process payments from recipients. Providers and recipients agree on rates and terms and facilitate payments outside of Nanny Square.

We do not share care provider ID documents with care recipients. Care recipients do not have access to provider uploaded files in search results. However, to ensure the safety and security of everyone using our services, we need to confirm the identity of our care providers. Please read our privacy policy at

We do not perform background checks or screening on providers because we are not a job agency. Rather, Nanny Square a neighbourhood hub where parents and independent care providers – including babysitters and nannies – can find and connect with each other. As an inclusive community, Nanny Square’s equitable access ensures that finding the right person for the job – or the right job for the person – remains fast and flexible for everyone.

That means screening is in the hands of our members. Parents, babysitters, and nannies can vet each other based on their own priorities and preferences. Beyond exercising common sense when it comes to sharing personal details, we suggest you carefully review provided references and plan an official interview before making any final decisions. There are third party services that perform background checks for a fee which parents can use with the provider’s consent. Publicly available information on social media is another option to learn more about your provider. When you’ve found the perfect match, you’ll be glad you took the time to make sure everything was in order.

We require our providers to submit a valid form of identity. Look out for the green check mark next to provider names in their profile which indicates that they provided an ID that matches their name, picture and age.

Whether you’re online or in the real world, your safety is important to us. So, if you receive any inappropriate messages or mistreatment, be sure to file a report with our team so we can check it out. Remember, all reports are private and investigated seriously by Nanny Square. In addition, we perform manual checks a routine basis and follow up on system alerts that notify us when anything out of the ordinary happens on our secure platform.

We review the ID document provided by providers and ensure tha the name, date of birth and picture match the information on the provider’s profile. This helps ensure that providers on our platform are who they say they are. If the information on the ID matches the provider’s profile, a green check mark will appear next to the provider’s name in their profile.

You can upload files during registration either from your computer or your mobile device by clicking on the browse link, navigating to the file stored on your computer or mobile device, selecting it and clicking ok. If using a mobile device to register, it is also possible to take a picture of the file and uploading it to your profile. PDF and image files up to 2MB file size are acceptable.

Yes. Please send requests to delete your profile to

Report all issues with the website or issues with providers or recipients by using the contact form at or if you are logged in to your profile, use the “report issue” form or send an email to

Yes. Your privacy, safety and security is our utmost concern. Please read or privacy, safety and security policy at and