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Understanding and Optimizing the 14 month old sleep schedule ~Nanny Square

Understanding and Optimizing the 14 month old sleep schedule

The 14-month-old sleep schedule can often be a challenging area to navigate for many parents. As the infant transitions to being a toddler, their sleep patterns evolve, leading to a shift in their nap times and overall sleep duration. By understanding these changes, parents can effectively adapt and support their child’s healthy growth and development.

14-month-old sleep schedule and patterns

By the time a child reaches 14 months, their sleep needs slightly decrease from infancy. While a newborn requires up to 17 hours of sleep a day, a 14-month-old generally needs around 11 to 14 hours, including nighttime sleep and naps. Typically, toddlers this age have two naps a day, each lasting about one to two hours, and a good night’s sleep of about 9 to 11 hours.

However, these sleep needs can vary from child to child, depending on factors like temperament, activity levels, and general health. It’s important to remember that some toddlers may need more or less sleep than the average range.

Creating an Effective Sleep Schedule

Creating an effective sleep schedule for a 14-month-old involves consistency, routine, and responding to the child’s unique sleep cues.

Here’s a sample sleep schedule:

  • 7:00 AM: Wake up
  • 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM: First nap in the morning
  • 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM: second nap in the afternoon
  • 7:00 PM – 7:30 PM: Bedtime routine begins
  • 8:00 PM: Sleep

This schedule has two nap times, one in the morning and another in the afternoon. The spacing allows the toddler to have enough wakeful time for meals, play, and activities. The night sleep begins with a relaxing bedtime routine to wind down.

Establishing a Bedtime Routine

A crucial part of setting a sleep schedule for a 14-month-old is establishing a soothing bedtime routine. This routine helps the child understand that it’s time to settle down and prepare for sleep. It can include activities like bathing, reading a story, singing a lullaby, or simply cuddling. This routine should ideally start 30 minutes to an hour before the toddler’s scheduled bedtime.

Transitioning to One Nap

Around this age, some toddlers might show signs of transitioning from two naps to one. Signs could include consistently refusing one of the naps, or having difficulty sleeping at night. If this is the case, you can gradually start pushing the morning nap later and later, until it becomes an early afternoon nap. Remember that this transition should be gradual and not forced, and it’s entirely normal if it doesn’t happen until later, even up to 18 months.

Coping with Sleep Regression

14 months is a common age for sleep regression, where a child who has been sleeping well suddenly starts waking up more often. This can be due to factors like teething, illness, or developmental milestones. During this period, keep the routine consistent and reassure your child. This phase typically passes in a few weeks.

Final words from Nanny Square

A 14-month-old toddler’s sleep schedule can pose challenges, but you can navigate this stage effectively with patience, consistency, and a keen understanding of your child’s unique needs. Remember, every child is different. Your child might need more or less sleep or transition to one nap later than others. Pay close attention to your child’s cues, maintain a consistent routine, and adjust as needed. Most importantly, ensure that sleep time is a positive, comforting experience for your child. Happy parenting! Nanny Square.

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